Pain or stiffness is usually our body trying to tell us something. As many of us may have heard "sitting is the new smoking". Of course we have to sit sometimes, but long periods of sitting changes the shape of our body and the way it moves. Add everyday stress and time pressure to complete everyday tasks and we have a recipe for pain, stiffness and potential injury.
By focusing on the process of moving properly (vs how much weight we lift or how many reps we do in the gym) and exploring the movement patterns that humans have naturally expressed for thousands of years, we can all learn how to be stronger, more mobile and prevent injuries in the gym and in everyday life.
I am happy to welcome clients into my home, where they can be free to learn in a clean, private and safe environment. The gym has a variety of exercise and safety equipment that allows us to design workouts that cater to a variety of clients' needs.
In my opinion the goal of a fitness/wellness practice should be to push yourself without unnecessary risk, remembering that we work out for ourselves and our loved ones. Always celebrate the progress you make and keep going!
Personal Training Specialist, Healthy Eating and Weight Loss Coach, and CPR/AED certificates are through
I have worked in special needs as a PSW and coordinator for over ten years and have 3 years experience as a certified personal trainer. After suffering a sever injury at age 19 I know what it is like to feel trapped in one's own body and this difficult experience has played a major role in cultivating my passion to help others overcome their own challenges. As part of my recovery I endlessly researched healing and strengthening and continue to learn so much about the body. Some major take-aways are the role that stress and repetitive movements, like sitting, typing, driving and even texting :/ can play in limiting and ultimately damaging the body. Through exercise we can all feel better about ourselves and learn to be a positive influence on our loved ones. Working in special needs and training people are both very rewarding. There are few things better than seeing someone achieve something that they thought was impossible.
In my free time I love playing basketball, golfing and learning as much as I can about whatever intrigues me on that day! I am fortunate to have wonderful parents and amazing friends. I look forward to meeting you and embarking on an adventure together!!